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predisposing factors中文是什么意思

用"predisposing factors"造句"predisposing factors"怎么读"predisposing factors" in a sentence


  • 发病诱因
  • 疾病发生的条件
  • 远因


  • An investigation on predisposing factors in patients with acute stroke
  • There are certain predisposing factors that are well known to contribute to the risk of having a dvt
  • And poor indoor air flow , eating unclean , such as influenza insomnia is a predisposing factor
  • There are certain predisposing factors that are well known to contribute to the risk of having a dvt
  • We report a case of escherichia coil monoarthritis and a concomitant urinary tract infection with escherichia coil sepsis in a uremic patient and consider the prevalence , possible predisposing factors and treatment for the infection
  • The results of an etiological analysis on predisposing factors of primary hepatocellular carcinoma in 72 in - patients with regard to age , service , educational stratification , personality , distribution of work and leisure , life style , diseased condition and treatment before onset showed that prevalence of primary hepatocellular carcinoma was negatively correlated with increasing age , and that incidences were higher in males than in females ; in office workers with higher educational background than in farmers ; in persons who preferred hot , salty or pungent foods ; in those who abused cigarettes and alcohol ; had more social appointments and lacked sufficient sleep ; in persons who failed to seek timely medical help , and in introverts and bigots after they had contracted hepatitis
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